Key takeaways of the semester

 Some of the things I was most surprised about in "Banned Books" this semester is just how uninformed those looking to ban books are on the books they are looking to ban. Book Banning gives power to people whether they deserve it or not, and no critical reading is required for the words of ignorant parents to have power in what they teach their kids. I was in no way surprised by how fearful and close minded parents can be, but I was frankly flabbergasted by their lack of trust in the education system. So many parents seems to spout off the importance of education without understanding he importance of anything their children learn. "For a career," they may say. I was told the same thing my whole life, that you go to school and try your best simply because its what you need to do. These parents have no understanding of what education truly is for, and yet they are given the power to ban the things they don't want their children to see. 

In the wake of the outcry towards mask mandates, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that for some people, this is their biggest fear in life, but I'm still surprised how bad it is. How can anyone read "Drama" and think it was inappropriate? Everyday I am left disappointed due to giving people more credit than they deserve, and its unfortunate that such a dim and pessimistic perspective was the most overwhelming conclusion I came to this semester in Banned Books.


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