Mullaley and Ringel

 Ringel's article looked at the correlation between banning books and the content from these books being about marginalized communities. The first half of this semester has made the connection more than apparent, as almost every single piece we have looked at has been about marginalized communities. It is unfortunate that this is not surprising, as the general public has been scared of contrary opinions to their own as long as the concept has been around. 

Something in my life that has stood out occurred when I was in middle school. My family and I were driving to a family function. I don't exactly remember the context, but my mother said something racist, and justified it by saying "people like to be around people who look like them and act like them, its just true." I remember feeling shocked and disgusted by what my mother had said. Through school and life in general, we interact with those who are different then us, and my mother is no different. How could she hold such a vile belief? Its something I think about in ever Banned Books class, because I think about how upsetting that someone so close to me would hold these beliefs. When reading article's such as Ringel's, its something I'm constantly reminded of. 

I'm embarrassed by my mother saying this, and to me, it just doesn't make any sense. She is such a caring and sweet lady who thinks such cruel and evil things. I had a lot of people around me who had similar beliefs growing up, and my relationship with them has led me to want to understand them more, and want to be able to do something to help them. As I've gotten older, I understand the generational differences that have led to people holding these beliefs. As I've grown up I realized that the opinions my mother holds are much more prominent than I'd like to admit. Maybe she is right and that "othering" groups who are different then you is in human nature. 

Regardless, I think it is wrong, human nature be damned. Events such as "Banned Books Week" and the general discourse towards positivity in our class help me to think that things could be better, and that there are people who want to make the world better.


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